My Name is Cindy Kojm

I am a Certified Happy for No Reason Trainer
Business | Growth | Transformational Coach
and Trainer

 I’m thrilled to share that I’ve become a Happy for No Reason Certified Trainer. This is a transformational program that has deeply resonated with me and aligns perfectly with my coaching philosophy.

You see, I’ve always believed in the power of happiness that comes from within. It’s not about the perfect career, a hefty bank account, or even the ideal partner. True happiness, the kind that is deep and lasting, is independent of external circumstances. It’s about being happy from the inside out, no matter what’s happening in your life.

As a Happy for No Reason Certified Trainer, I’ve learned the 7-step program that enables you to experience this kind of happiness right now, no matter where you start. It’s based on cutting-edge research from the world’s leading experts in positive psychology and neurophysiology, and it’s been a game-changer for me.

In my coaching, I’ve always focused on helping individuals identify and overcome obstacles that are holding them back from living the life they truly want. Now, with the Happy for No Reason program, I can offer even more. I can help you raise your “happiness set-point”, the fixed range of happiness you tend to return to throughout your life.

Whether it’s personal power, mind, heart, body, soul, purpose, or relationships, I’m here to guide you through these Happiness Habits. I’m excited to share this journey with you and help you become Happy for No Reason.

Ready to embark on this journey toward sustained happiness? I’d love to hear from you. Send me an email or connect with me by completing the contact form on my website or clicking the button below.

Let’s explore how we can raise your happiness set point together.


Cindy Kojm, Kojm and Company, Happy for No Reason Certified Trainer

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