My Name is Cindy Kojm
I am a Business & Growth Coach
Transformational Coach
and Trainer
As a Coach I focus on your professional and personal growth with an emphasis on career development and leadership. “As I have discovered throughout my career, being open to opportunity and possibility is what propels us towards finding our true passion.” I launched Kojm and Company, LLC in 2014 to support small business owners, entrepreneurs, start-ups, multi-level marketers, and those looking to grow their wealth, leadership skills, and journey down the path of personal growth.
As a Trainer, I bring energy, insight, systems, and processes to my client's workshops and seminars. Teaching them that success in any industry begins with the mindset and a roadmap to establishing habits and disciplines needed to grow their businesses to the optimum level. I develops materials created specifically for the individual needs and requests for my clients. I believe that all businesses can learn from one another’s successes and failures through duplicating, incorporating and evaluating the processes and systems that have made them successful. The biggest challenge is helping people to understand the behaviors required for such disciplined success.
As a Transformation Coach, I challenge your current mindset and immediate beliefs by promoting self-awareness and finding realistic solutions to those challenges. In using NLP techniques, we begin to understand how your past and current programming affects your current reality and assist in developing action steps with habits and disciplines for optimal results. The discovery of triggers and personal constraints that are holding you hostage will promote understanding of your own personality DISC and behavior traits. This is an important part of your journey as to how you lead, communicate, problem-solve, build relationships and interact with others in your daily life. "I recognize the need for guidance and support from a trusted advisor, mentor, or coach. I listen to your dreams, ambitions, and goals and hold you accountable while keeping you focused on building a dynamic business designed to support your desired lifestyle. Cindy is able to offer leaders coaching, training and support to better understand their own leadership skills and those of their management teams and employees through the JMT Materials, DISC Assessments and Training, and personalized program development workshops and seminars based on their individual company needs. I look forward to our conversation around your goals and current situation and how I can be of service to you. “Success isn’t about how you accomplish in your life, it’s about what you inspire others to do.” ~unknown
Cindy Kojm, Kojm and Company, Business, Growth, Transformation Coach, Keynote Speaker, Trainer
Success Stories
Cindy as my business coach has helped me relaunch my real estate sales business after taking a 10-year detour down the management path. She has helped me to identify my mission statement for my business, set smart goals and set a business plan that will achieve the goals of my business. She is one of the most talented, caring, effective business coach’s I have ever had. She challenges me to think differently so that I may achieve results. I am eternally grateful for her help, her insight, and her expertise and would not be where I am today without her.

Debbie Baxter

Over the past 5 years, I have had the gratification to work with Cindy. Our collaborations have included professional discussions, coaching panels, education seminars, and multiple designated client real estate sales. Cindy is dedicated to perfection and quality service. In the real estate industry, you will not find a better example of passion for the transfer of real property. When it comes to the law of real estate and coaching principles, Cindy perfects the drive for client understanding. As a seminar panelist and instructor, Cindy delivers a dialogue easy to understand yet full of discussion and examination. I admire and respect her determination and calm approach under pressure.

Trey Grooms

I began coaching with Cindy Kojm in my second year of my real estate career.  As a new agent, I lacked focus and a clear vision for my business.  This was evident in my sales results.  Working with Cindy, I developed the habits and systems that helped me quadruple my sales.  Cindy is firm but fair.  I didn’t  always like her but I loved her and so did my bank account.


Shakeima Chatman

I am truly honored to have the opportunity to share how much I personally respect and enjoy working with Cindy Kojm.

Wow, where do I begin?  I had the pleasure of meeting Cindy in February 2012 in Orlando, Florida at the Keller Williams Annual Family Reunion event where over 15-thousand Realtor family members came together to learn, explore, embrace, and connect with other like-minded from around the country and abroad.

Cindy immediately took me under her wing, providing professional guidance from the start.  Her wealth of Real Estate knowledge, secureness and overall passion for others is just amazing.  I’ve grown to learn so much about how to run my business, the ins and outs of maintaining disciple and of above all her coaching abilities takes time, perseverance, consistency and an enjoyment for people, she has this area covered 150%.

I would without hesitation, highly recommend and support Cindy in any and all endeavors.  She is a trusted team-player, top-notch professional and utmost honest business entrepreneur I’ve come in contact with in quite some time. Cindy’s exemplary skills, multi-talents, dedication, discipline, extraordinary leadership abilities are those you strongly are seeking, Win, Win, or no deal = positive results with Cindy Kojm every time.

Ciné Wright

Cindy’s business savvy is evident in the effective leadership style she implements in order to develop, evaluate, and maintain my focus.  In doing so, she has given me the tools to move our business forward in an efficient matter of time. Cindy’s ability to dissect a situation along with the aforementioned attributes are extremely insightful when applied to our business. Thank you Cindy.

Nick Perry

Cindy has helped me tremendously with lead generating and prospecting. She has taught me the true value of a thought and what impact that will have on your overall life. I went from no appointments to 3 and 4 appointments weekly. I look forward to​ seeing ​​what else she can help me achieve during our sessions.​ ​


Nikki Prioleau

I would like to express my recommendation for Cindy Kojm and her coaching style.  I found that she keeps you on task with systems, contact management, and the importance of time management.

I found that she keeps up with the current trends as well as focuses on the Basics of lead generation and she will teach you to hit your numbers daily/weekly and your business will grow.

I also found her to be open to work with your style of sales and tailor her techniques to help you achieve your business goals.

~Bob Taylor

I became a coaching client of Cindy’s when I was transitioning from being on a Real Estate team to being a solo agent. Cindy helped me untap my potential and develop a path to get to where I am today as a business owner. She challenged me weekly (90 days to $90K!) and also helped me mentally prepare for things neither of us expected down the road. I credit much of my success in life to her coaching and am grateful for knowing her and having her as a coach.

~Desiree Maurer

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